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Hearing Loss Survey - Please Spread the Word

hearing loss research

Asius Technologies Hearing Survey

As we grow our company and develop important products, we always appreciate feedback.

One of the things we're trying to earn about is hearing loss and how it may or may not have affected you.

Won't you please click on the link below to take the survey?  

It consists of only 20 quick questions and should take well under five minutes to do.

Your answers will be kept private and only used in aggregate. 

Please share this important survey with your family and friends.

You will also have the chance to enter yourself in a drawing for a $50 Amazon gift certificate.  

Thank you!

 Asius Technologies - Take The Survey





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  • Gary mothershed on

    I have been looking for a new hearing aid technology that would help my hearing. I would like to test your product. We would be helping each other. Let me know .

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